About us

We’re Nena and Vanessa, founders of NV Fit! 

NV Fit originated very naturally. We’ve always been very active- participating in dance, gymnastics, musical theater, cheerleading, volleyball, etc from a young age. As you can see, the idea of clothing that not only serves a functional purpose but also makes you look and feel good is not a foreign concept to us. As we grew older, and began shopping for activewear- we struggled to find brands that were resilient, comfortable, but aesthetically pleasing too. And so we set out to start a brand that covered everything you could want and need in activewear, and NV Fit was born! 

We find a balance in quality vs. pricing, you usually can find activewear that is very affordable but doesn’t last through expected wear or activewear that is higher in quality but breaks the bank. NV Fit is more reasonably priced than our competitors but comparable in fabric quality and construction. 

Our customers are people that do it all and want it all. Busy professionals, ambitious students, hard working parents, fitness buffs, etc.- they have dynamic lifestyles and need clothing that can keep up. Due to the simple yet fashionable nature of our designs, our apparel is appealing to a wide range of ages and aesthetics. Dress it up or keep it casual simply by changing the accessories and applying your personal style. NV Fit is the perfect option for those in search of versatile and unique athleisure that can be worn all day comfortably- whether you’re working from home, out and about, or headed to pilates class. 

Thank you for supporting us, we know you’ll love it as much as we do! 

- Nena and Vanessa